Every Child With A Family

Every church will “do something” to reduce the 130,000 children who are living in the United States foster care system and waiting to be adopted. Our hope is that these children will have families who will show them the way to Christ!


Who We Are

We are an interactive faith community of foster adoptive families meeting monthly (through Zoom) to receive training, share prayer requests and resources. We engage with donors, partners and sponsors to embrace our children and empower our families.

Our Vision

Our Vision is for every foster adopted child to experience the hope, healing and unconditional love of Jesus Christ through a church-sponsored support system for foster and adoptive families as they fulfill the physical, mental and emotional needs of the children in their care.

Get Involved

Support Families who are Fostering & Adopting by providing childcare, meals, housekeeping/lawn services, and more.

Email embrace-me@outlook for your Volunteer Application.